Growing up in Compton, a city often characterized by its challenges, Angelica could have easily followed a different path. Yet, her passion for learning and a desire to make a difference led her to a field she never imagined: computer science.

From Early Beginnings to Finding a Passion

"My parents have a party rental business, and we've been working on it since I was five years old," Angelica shared, highlighting the early start to her work ethic. The experience of physical labor in a service industry deeply influenced her, shaping her understanding of the world and her community. It wasn’t until she attended the California Academy of Mathematics and Science, a highly STEM-focused high school, that she discovered her passion for computer science.

"I remember being in a room with people throwing around terms like C++ and Python, and I had no idea what they were talking about," she recalled. Despite struggling at first, she experienced a breakthrough moment when the concepts finally clicked. This realization sparked a new direction in her life, leading her to pursue computer science and become an advocate for career exposure in underserved communities.

Creating Impact: Career Panels and Workshops

Angelica's drive to give back to her community became clear during her time as a Close the Gap fellow.

"There’s a lack of career exposure where I’m from," she noted. To address this, Angelica organized multiple career panels and workshops, bringing professionals from diverse fields to speak to students who, like her, might not have had these opportunities otherwise.

"I reached out to people, even those I didn’t know, and invited them to speak to students. It was daunting, but I learned to network and step out of my comfort zone"

Her efforts led to the participation of over 12 panelists. Beyond that, Angelica also made an impact in other ways, including hosting a Python workshop that introduced students to computer science. For Angelica, the goal wasn’t just to spark interest in computer science but to provide students with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their futures.

The Impact of Close the Gap

Reflecting on her time with Close the Gap, Angelica emphasized the program’s role in her personal and professional growth.

"The biggest thing I learned was to be comfortable being uncomfortable"

The program pushed her to network, plan, and execute large-scale projects on her own—skills that she continues to apply as she navigates her senior year and college applications.

Angelica also spoke highly of the mentorship she received, particularly how it empowered her to reach out and utilize the network she built. "The mentors are honestly amazing people. I got to meet a lot of them, and they come from the best backgrounds. They offer so much in terms of resources and advice," she noted.

Advice for Future Fellows

As a cohort leader for the fellowship program now, Angelica has a unique perspective on what it takes to succeed in the Close the Gap program. Her advice to future fellows is clear: "Be ambitious. Don’t change your projects because they seem too difficult. With hard work and the support of the mentors, anything is possible." She also encourages fellows to leverage every connection they make within the program, as these relationships can be crucial down the line.

Looking Ahead

As she approaches her senior year, Angelica is focused on solidifying her college plans, with a particular interest in staying in-state to maintain her support system. "I want to major in computer science, but I know it’s really impacted," she shared, reflecting on the competitive nature of the field. Yet, Angelica remains confident that her experiences and the skills she’s gained will carry her through the challenges ahead.

For Angelica, the journey doesn’t end with her personal success. She is committed to bringing computer science education to her community, ensuring that others have the exposure and opportunities she had to work hard to find. Her story is one of resilience, growth, and the impact one person can make by reaching out and creating opportunities for others.

Angelica’s journey is a powerful reminder of the importance of exposure and mentorship, especially for students from underserved communities. Her determination to bring these opportunities back to her community speaks volumes about her character and her commitment to making a difference. As she continues to grow and pursue her goals, there’s no doubt that Angelica will inspire many others to follow in her footsteps.